I'm here to give you the latest trends, fashions, and just girly stuff in general!! :) 
Email: freakfashion62@gmail.com (Email me with any questions!!)
  • A Secret Laire Somewhere You Will Never Find Me
  • InscritOctober 12, 2015

Dernier message
fashionfreak15 fashionfreak15 Nov 11, 2015 06:45PM
Eep! :) My birthday's today! :)
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Histoires par Fashion Freak
50 Things About Me  par fashionfreak15
50 Things About Me
Many of you are probably wondering somethings about me. Here is 50 things about me! :)
Comebacks par fashionfreak15
So before you all yell at me, yes I am supposed to be a fashion page, but doesn't everyone want good comeback...
ranking #900 dans la catégorie comeback Voir tous les classements
20 Essential Beauty Items par fashionfreak15
20 Essential Beauty Items
Here are the best items for a girl to have handy for anyday
ranking #325 dans la catégorie 2015 Voir tous les classements
1 Liste de Lectures