
Oh shîtt whaddup


It ur boii


Watch him rollin watch him go 


Hahahahha, you're really an amusing person. i can picture myself as ur friend #literally trying to understand everything. n whisper in my inner thought: is my friend crazy? XD 
          jk, don't take it seriously tho ;-)
          That's sound great! i hope ur book will be well known soon plus i hope u enjoy ur writing . it doesn't matter if it fanfic or not, hey it's ur story let them flow out of ur mind. u go girl! show me wht u made for! ;-)


That's what friend for, i mean there's no life without pun anwyway. ;-) Lol, most of my friend tell me I'm pretty scary (coz I acting seductively toward them). Awww, y not, i love to , share me any books, or if u tend to publish book in here one day. I'll be sure to read them n give ma best opinion. yep :-D