
Update about my current books:
          	As of right now, I have several chapters of each written in advance that I can put out weekly.
          	After those chapters are out, it may be a while before I'm able to write again.
          	Some personal information detailing this:
          	I (in all genuine seriousness not f*cking around) have an incurable brain disease, and it makes writing very difficult because I'm not able to concentrate or focus on anything for more than a couple minutes at a time, and it also causes hallucinations that can be distracting as well.
          	So, while I figure that out (yes I'm going to a doctor and weekly therapy), updates will be slower. Thank you for understanding.


Update about my current books:
          As of right now, I have several chapters of each written in advance that I can put out weekly.
          After those chapters are out, it may be a while before I'm able to write again.
          Some personal information detailing this:
          I (in all genuine seriousness not f*cking around) have an incurable brain disease, and it makes writing very difficult because I'm not able to concentrate or focus on anything for more than a couple minutes at a time, and it also causes hallucinations that can be distracting as well.
          So, while I figure that out (yes I'm going to a doctor and weekly therapy), updates will be slower. Thank you for understanding.


*cue the confetti* PROFILE UPDATED!!! Formerly Avatar_of_Lust, this account will now be posting stories based off of horror, NSFW~ and much longer books. I'm very excited to publish my first one under this new name on Monday, April 1st: "All That's Left of Us". Unlike my previous works, this one focuses a lot on mental health, both the positive and negative. I'm really looking forward to seeing where my writing journey takes me!


You have the right to write what you please. I love obey me but I love horror too! Cant wait to see what you come up with 


Chapter One alone is also over 6,000 words, which I am quite proud of. I can say confidently that right now, this is where I am meant to be in regards to what I post on this platform. But we'll see what happens in another few years ;)


Hey, everyone. <3 first, I want to say how much I have loved reading all your comments and seeing your votes throughout the time I've been on Wattpad. Voting, your nice words, and support mean so much to me!!!
          But I've decided to get rid of the "Obey Me" and anime content on this page. (I am not deleting Wattpad) I'm just archiving the stories I have now, so they MIGHT be uploaded again in the future, but for the time being, I am revamping my page, because I want to be a more serious writer.
          I know this will make me lose a lot of followers, and I understand. But honestly, I can't come up with any more OM or anime content. I'm working on horror and romance books that will be much longer and more detailed.
          Since this means I'm also changing my Wattpad name, if anyone could come up with a new name suggestion, I would love it <3


I can't wait to read 


@Avatar_of_Lust That sounds like alot to be writing! Wishing you the best of luck, then 


@Qiugley I'm in the process of something new! 60+ pages so far, which is actually kinda crazy. But I'm really excited. It'll be released when I'm closer to being done. :)