
/⠀bio looks real ugly I'll fix it later </3


/⠀actually no this whole acc looks messy aaa I'll try and fix the theme eventually...


still not reaping souls, i see.


⠀⠀@unmortify .͟⠀( ♪ )
            mhm, my apologies.   [ she hummed as she tucked back her medicines into her cloak. ]   this young man seemed to not have been feeling well, so I remedied him. I'd feel terrible if I just left him all alone out here.  [ they explained before turning back to the aforementioned man, who was now repositioned so that he was sitting against the tree, and patted him on the head as if he were a child. ]  he'll be out for a couple more hours though, but he should be fine.   [ she then stood up and wiped off the leaves that were clinging to her attire, before finally looking up to the other reaper.  ]  I haven't been /completely/ unproductive though—  I've managed to collect a couple of souls here and there... and how many souls have /you/ managed to collect since our last meeting, hm?


            /⠀waaaa ty!!!! <3