
I will be pulling down two of the short stories  I have written, mostly for editing purposes. Also, I am in the process of working on Misery. She is still very vocal and very loud. Don't worry I will be posting soon. Hugs and smooches.


I will be pulling down two of the short stories  I have written, mostly for editing purposes. Also, I am in the process of working on Misery. She is still very vocal and very loud. Don't worry I will be posting soon. Hugs and smooches.


I have moved most (minus 1 at the time of this) short stories to the collection it will be in. I am also in the works of redoing Camelot's Assassin.  Misery wants to come out and play. So does Dinnah but I am struggling with some of their words. Please give me time. Happy day and Blessed night!


For the time being, I have deleted my stories. I plan to put them back up when I get my muse back. Until then, I am truly sorry to those that follow me.


I will be putting one of them back up soon. I just found my muse.  I do have some short stories that have been sparking my muse.


@fatesfyrebyrd damn I missed out on a good read I think


Updates...Updates... Updates...it's all starting to re-spark again. Maybe with the long break from school I can start to refocus and pull the muses out of the dark corners. Chapters 1-11 have been re-edited. Chapters 12 and 13 are fine. And when I am done with the re-write on 14 I will fix it. Until then... Merry may the way be.


Finally caught up on" It's A Mad World Here." Don't fret Misery is still loud in my head, just not clear. Dinnea and Rasvan are still chattering in their blossoming romance. And we have a new set joining us within the next month...or however long it takes for me to find the time to move it from paper to the computer. Dinnea and Rasvan are the focus of the loud noises. Cheers!