
Deaton just standing there when Peter throws a chair at him top ten hottest Teen Wolf moments


Every time someone calls Ares the "defender of women" a satyr gets a pebble stuck in their hoof. In what world is war the defender of women? Show me a source. Give me evidence. Plenty of misogynists' have avenged their daughters. That's not protection. That's not about her. It's about his honor. The dad cleaning his gun when his daughters boyfriend comes over isn't protective he is possessive. War does not protect women. War does not protect.


Did I dramatically gasp when I saw Guarded Hearts in a reading list next to Dopamine? Absolutely. Several times. I'm incredibly touched <3


Ah! I'm so glad! I have so much fun writing it and finally getting to use those Pinterest boards full of saved art for something!


@gfcookies <3 i adore Guarded Hearts and all the art you use in the headers wonderful taste