
Hello, my dear lovelies.  
          	I know I'm lagging at updates.
          	@@delusionalsakshi I'm sorry dear. I'm really grateful to have you as my reader and thank you for the patience.
          	His desire only reached 3 votes in chapter 1.
          	I at the least update a chapter only when it reaches, 5-10 like in string of love.
          	I'm dropping efforts besides my busy schedule and messed up health.
          	I really want to take a break, a breath of rest.
          	Currently my career is d3manding my attention,  filled with tight schedule.
          	Please understand that it might take a while for me to continue. 
          	It would be regular update after may.
          	As I'm completing my 3rd year of uni and stepping to 4th. (It's 5 year course with 1 year internship)
          	So, please stay with me. I'm sorry if I disappoint you all. I'm just depressed, and I want to focus on getting better. 
          	Thank you all for four constant support. Meet you all in May 2025.
          	Till then, I'm signing off ❤️‍


@fathimabanu8 hii! It's alright we will patiently wait dear author!


Hello, my dear lovelies.  
          I know I'm lagging at updates.
          @@delusionalsakshi I'm sorry dear. I'm really grateful to have you as my reader and thank you for the patience.
          His desire only reached 3 votes in chapter 1.
          I at the least update a chapter only when it reaches, 5-10 like in string of love.
          I'm dropping efforts besides my busy schedule and messed up health.
          I really want to take a break, a breath of rest.
          Currently my career is d3manding my attention,  filled with tight schedule.
          Please understand that it might take a while for me to continue. 
          It would be regular update after may.
          As I'm completing my 3rd year of uni and stepping to 4th. (It's 5 year course with 1 year internship)
          So, please stay with me. I'm sorry if I disappoint you all. I'm just depressed, and I want to focus on getting better. 
          Thank you all for four constant support. Meet you all in May 2025.
          Till then, I'm signing off ❤️‍


@fathimabanu8 hii! It's alright we will patiently wait dear author!


Hello, my dear lovelies ❤️❤️
          So, how are you'll. I hope your health is all good. Given that this is a season of fever. Please take care lovelies.
          So, I have 3 books ongoing currently. One you all know that is "string of love"
          I have started Ittefaq and written a prologue with Chapter 1 today (Chapter 1 was actually rewritten today)
          And the one more book was "His desire"
          I have written the prologue of this book as I started it recently. 
          Please remember that I'm still improving on KY writing skills.
          String of love reached 2k reads and 80 votes. I'm so happy, that much ki I can't express.
          Thank you for your unwavering support lovelies ❤️❤️❤️


I just noticed that you have added my work 'Love!? It Just Happened...' to your reading list. I'm overwhelmed by seeing this. I hope you find my work worth reading. Inline comments and constructive feedback are always welcomed. Thank you, have a good day ❤


@ishaa_writings I completed reading your story. It was AMAZING. I loved it. God! I'm alive bcoz of authors like you. Besides I added it, just in case people who see my reading list can read it as well