

I've been gone for much longer than I had intended. The past 6 months went by painfully slowly. I honestly can't remember much at all. My depression took a severe toll on me and getting motivated to do anything at all was insanely difficult. Giving up on writing poems was perhaps the most painful thing of all but I was just so numb that everything seemed pointless. Funny thing about it however is that writing ultimately saved me. And so the truth is that this long message was more of a rant and a way of setting the past few months behind me. Long story short, I am back and I hope to be posting as frequently as I used to. I don't know if anyone missed my work but I sure miss writing :)


It's been so awesome to see my poems get to almost 300 views and I really enjoyed making the poems. But lately I've been having quite a hard time with my depression and I think I will be taking a break for a little while. Thank you for all the support you have given me and I hope to be back soon!