Hello love’s!
To keep a long story short, I’m back!
I know I’ve already said it like 2 times, but this time is different, I promise you!
I’ve been struggling really bad the last couple of months, but I started therapy and are feeling better by the day!
I’ve decided to only do things I really truly enjoy next year, and one of those things is writing, so I decided to start writing my Harry Potter story again. And I’m determined to make it work!
I know it isn’t an excuse, and I don’t want it to be. I just hope you can understand and forgive me for not uploading any new chapters.
Speaking of new chapters, the next one is coming out tonight! And I’m going to try and get the chapter after that out before New Years!
(My dm’s are always open for requests or if you just need/want to talk! If you sent me a request or a message and I didn’t answer or didn’t write your story, I’m so sorry!! Please text me it again, and I’ll try my absolute best to write it for you!)
No more excuses, I’m back!