
this message may be offensive
Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well in this insane times. Shit started with covid and now there's a potential 3rd world War and people are dying and almost everything is going down hill.
          	Atlesrt there wattpad to keep our brains from frying of boredom. This is a shout out to all writers on Wattpad who constantly entertain us, readers with there beautiful works of art. Only heaven knows how many people you've all kept from hoping crazy in these times, be it through a romance book, fantasy, thrillers or even just a book full of memes you help in some way by bringing a smile. 
          	A smile they say speaks an thousand words. Or is it a smile is worth a thousand words. 
          	What ever the case, I just though I'd do a shout out thingy to all the writers ou there 


this message may be offensive
Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well in this insane times. Shit started with covid and now there's a potential 3rd world War and people are dying and almost everything is going down hill.
          Atlesrt there wattpad to keep our brains from frying of boredom. This is a shout out to all writers on Wattpad who constantly entertain us, readers with there beautiful works of art. Only heaven knows how many people you've all kept from hoping crazy in these times, be it through a romance book, fantasy, thrillers or even just a book full of memes you help in some way by bringing a smile. 
          A smile they say speaks an thousand words. Or is it a smile is worth a thousand words. 
          What ever the case, I just though I'd do a shout out thingy to all the writers ou there 


HI! I just Publish the First Chapter of my fist story!!!!! I am so excited since this is the first accomplishment I have ever made. Well not first accomplishment but... 
          This is just so exciting. It is call Dark Faith. 
          Check it out plzzz. 
          I will try my best to up date often since I go to school, this need a lot of time dedication. 
          Okay , enough of rambling. ENJOY!!!


@faithyread It's very good so far.  Can't wait to see what happens next. :) - LeQuita


Hey, it'd be great if u could check out my book the Feral Sinner. 
          Its about a village girl who is meant to fulfill a great purpose who bands together with vampires, sorceressess and wolves and other supernaturals to fight a greater supernatural, something out of their world.


Thank you so much for all your comments on Luminous! 
          It helps a lot to see readers' reactions as I write. 
          P.S. NEW ZEALAND! Aaaaaaargh. What a wonderful country to be in. I wanna visit the South Island ever since I watched The Lord of the Rings.


@faithyread  Like I'm at school right now till 3:15


@jeidafei  Wow!. I'm in Auckland and parties and stuff are limited to only 10 people because it is where the second outbreak started. We usually get 3 or 4 cases per day. And I still go to school, 5 days a week.


@faithyread We still have 100+ cases daily here in Japan too, but the lockdown isn't stringent. I go to the office 2-3 days a week and dinner parties are coming back XD