
Did you enjoy my story ~ What Did You Do, Captain?~ 
          	Then you should check out it's sequel. 


Just published the final chapter of •What Did You Do, Captain?•
          It's a bittersweet feeling, not to sound cliche. It's my most popular work. I really hope everyone enjoyed it, I sure did. I fell so in love with Mark's characters and then I became so emotionally attached to my OC (The Captain). I'm really going to miss writing them. 
          Did anyone catch the significance of their name? It was more than just a cool name, I chose it on purpose. 
          I hope the sequel I'm planning is just as good. 


I just found out that in my fanfiction What did you do, Captain? I've been spelling a main characters name wrong. Her name is Celci not Cici. I knew her full name was a play on Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin, but I just thought they shortened it to Cici. I just watched with subtitles last night. Ugh. 


Happy holiday season to those who celebrate it and happy new year! I've been on a small hiatus for some family time and because work is busy but hopefully mid January I will be back at it with regularity! Thank you all so much for being here and if you have anything you wanna say about either of my stories, please feel free! I would love to hear from you guys! 