Good Afternoon LoveliesI just made a compilation of my poems that I wrote during the 30 days challenge organized by inkheart_hub and it's still ongoing,just 2 days left,Yipee.So I decided to share with you guys my babies.It's a compilation of rhymes and all others.I hope you do like it.Don't forget to Vote and comment..It would really mean a lot.
I just published "Bogeyman" of my story "Ink heart".
Good Afternoon LoveliesI just made a compilation of my poems that I wrote during the 30 days challenge organized by inkheart_hub and it's still ongoing,just 2 days left,Yipee.So I decided to share with you guys my babies.It's a compilation of rhymes and all others.I hope you do like it.Don't forget to Vote and comment..It would really mean a lot.
I just published "Bogeyman" of my story "Ink heart".