I HATE MY HEAD.... Ini mungkin yang terakhir kalinyaaa, gua ngg bakal balik lagi....This is really hard for me. Ahhh, I need soju. Sorry, gua jahat. But, here I am, with a million foolishness, a million fears, a million shame. A coward, who repeatedly wants to end the story but is afraid to die .... HAHAHA, LOL. And last, gua mau ngucapin TERIMAKASIH yang sudah mau meluangkan waktu kalian untuk membaca cerita-cerita gua, yang sudah mau nungguin cerita gua up tapi ngg pernah up, yang udah ngasih support, dan MAAF karena maybe udah ngecewain kalian, gua emang jahat dan pantas di hujat karena udah ngegantungin kalian cukup lama dan ujung ujungnya kek gini. But, this's my choice. I hope you can appreciate it. SORRY.... Byee~ Zafy :') 03/03/21

@fazafy_09 Hey, I don't know what exactly happened, but I hope you can take your time to enjoy things that can comfort you. Maybe here is not comfort zone anymore, and it's understandable, so you don't need to feel sorry about that. You owe nothing to us. You've done a great job so far, and I know you will. Do everything that can make you feel comfortable. I appreciate your choice. I'll be cheering you from afar. Hope everything gets better See you