
‪Heyyy !!‬
          	‪Who’s been missing me? ‬
          	‪Sorry I couldn’t make it up to you in the passed week.‬
          	‪But today is Friday, so that means...a new chapter of “AN UNEXPECTED PATH” ‬
          	‪30 minutes and I’ll post it !!‬
          	Be ready !! You cannot miss this chapter and more I can’t say 


‪Heyyy !!‬
          ‪Who’s been missing me? ‬
          ‪Sorry I couldn’t make it up to you in the passed week.‬
          ‪But today is Friday, so that means...a new chapter of “AN UNEXPECTED PATH” ‬
          ‪30 minutes and I’ll post it !!‬
          Be ready !! You cannot miss this chapter and more I can’t say 


It's world BOOK DAY!!! 
          Want a better excuse to read (again) today? 
          I don't think so 
          In case your running without books to read, I suggest mine!! 
          “UM (RE)COMEÇO INESPERADO”: https://t.co/wQfdiGf2ik (Wattpad)
          “AN UNEXPECTED PATH”: https://t.co/Lqw5tD4WHc (Wattpad)
          “AN UNEXPECTED PATH” : https://t.co/p09Re7LrqR (Inkitt)
          Hope you loved it ♥️✍ and don't forget, A BOOK PER DAY, KEEPS THE PAIN AWAY!! 


          Hoje não vou conseguir publicar capítulo 
          Peço imensa desculpa por falhar com vocês!! 
          Vou tentar que saia o mais brevemente possível, mas não prometo nada. 
          Espero que compreendam. Love u guys ❤️


2 meses depois e cheguei aos 4 dígitos. 1K baby. 
          Estou tão, mas tão feliz. Isto é só o começo de algo bem maior.✍
          Portanto, ponham-se confortáveis que a viagem acabou de começar ‍♥️
          Muito obrigado a todos pelo apoio incondicional ❤️


And a small "m"/" k" just popped up and I'm so happy. Thank you so much for all the love given to my story ✍ I love u guys ❤️ This is just the beginning of something bigger. Small steps for greater achievements