
*   will  y'all  notice  if  i  bring  her  back.   because.


they're  paying  for  my  college  and  apartment,,  i  can't  stop  calling  them.  :(
          ╱  j*nine  and  h*ward  !!!


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @cheerslshed :
            they're  doing  the  bare  minimum  for  the  kid  they  chose  to  have.   HUGE  difference,   babe.    ( .. )    why  don't  you  make  a  schedule  for  it?    like  a  once  a  week  kind  of  thing.
            *    rebekah  hates  them  more  than  she  hates  her  own  parents  btw❗


i  think  i'm  gonna  be  a  nurse.  :D
          ╱  college  days,,,  she  did  not  figure  out  her  major  until  day  of,,


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @cheerslshed :
            hell  yeah  you  are !!    {  without  a  moment's  hesitation  rebekah  is  already  hyping  her  sister  up,  her  grin  that  of  radiant  support  as  she  readies  herself  to  provide  utmost  support.  }    you're  gonna  be  the  best  nurse  the  country's  ever  seen,   too.    you're  already  who  (i)  go  to  in  an  emergency.
            *    rebekah  would  support  her  if  she  decided  to  become  the  clown  jester  tbh !! 


bek.  bekkkkkkk.  bekahhhhh.
          ╱  harassing  her  abt  sidney  <3


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @cheerslshed :
            jules.   jule.   julieeeeee.    {  the  teasing  tone  is  matched  by  rebekah  in  a  way  that  says  she's  hoping  to  redirect  this  sisterly  harassment,   cheeks  still  warmed  after  her  arrival  back  to  the  apartment.  }     you  can't  ask  if  we  kissed  again !!   that's  like,   illegal  now.   in  several  states.
            *    they  deserved  to  be  wives !!


love  is  observed  in  a  million  different  ways.  this  is  not  one  of  them.
          ╱  sorry,,  was  listening  to  kaleidoscope


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @cheerslshed :
            i  know.   {  what's  resigned  in  rebekah's  tone  says  everything  she  doesn't  want  to.   there's  nothing  she  can  do  while  the  actors  hit  their  marks  around  her,   while  steven  treats  her  like  a  trophy  as  their  teams  rally  together.    this  is  so  perfect  to  anyone  who  isn't  her. . . or  anyone  who  knows  her.  }    i  know.   i  don't  have  another  option  right  now,   and  maybe—   maybe  i  can  still  fix  this.   make  him  tolerable  somehow.
            *    lethal  combo  is  that × icfh(nric) !!


you  look  good  like  that.  i  like  it.
          /  scream  3  :")


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @cheerslshed :
            you  think  so?    {  with  one  hand  rebekah  reaches  a  hand  to  her  hair,   a  touched  smile  brushing  to  the  surface.   }     i  didn't  know  about  going  dark  for  a  while,  but  i  feel  good.    like  myself.
            *   when  she  changed  her  appearance  to  get  away  from  nancy  and  billy !!