` ( SCARY! SCARY ! ) " you don't look so well, scary. do you want me to buy you some soup? " he inquires with his frame leaning towards him a little. " it does wonders for the heart " he grins. " i must say i sort of missed that straw face of yours, scary? "

@fearfascinated ( ASSISTANCE. ) ` " soooooooo you visit my dear old friend eddiekins, hm? I'm assuming he was sick as a stranded dog? " the madman mouths with searching gaze. " hahaha! i came over here to see you. . the least you could do is not be sick, straw face. " of course the joker knows he can't reverse his sickness, but even so this isn't what he anticipated. " the last thing y'need is quiet honey. you look a mess. how would you ever make that lovely gas of yours? I think i might feel a tad bad for ya! " he couches to a better level to see the other better. " just the regular old social call, scary " he grins. " want some help until y'get better? ' cause i know wonderful, wonderful remedies to get cha back on your feet "

@LAUGHTTER " yeah, well, i visited a hospital recently to visit edward... so that's probably where i got it from. this god damn cough has kept me up all night for the last couple of days. " the annoyance in jonathan's tone is clear as he ducked his head into his elbow to cough several times. he wasn't in his usual hideout, which was his parent's old farmhouse. instead, he was in an abandoned library, complete with a second floor and books lining the walls. the telltale glean of sweat could be seen on his face in the light streaming through the windows — and the circles under his eyes were so dark, they looked red. jonathan merely waved a hand at him and resting his head in his palm out of exhaustion. " no, i don't want soup. i just need quiet right now... i've literally taken all manners of fever medicine under the sun, and i still feel awful. " he coughed once more into his elbow, " ahh, how... / nice / of you. so did you come here to contract whatever illness i have, or is there a deeper point to this visit than just a social call? "