
Hello people that are still following me thank you for sticking by. So I will hopefully be updating The Betrayed Hero soon and I might post another story on here sometime soon once I finish it, and le gasp it's an original story not a fanfiction for once. Haha I can be a decent writer hopefully even though I know someone that's way better than me. Have a good night guys.


Hello people that are still following me thank you for sticking by. So I will hopefully be updating The Betrayed Hero soon and I might post another story on here sometime soon once I finish it, and le gasp it's an original story not a fanfiction for once. Haha I can be a decent writer hopefully even though I know someone that's way better than me. Have a good night guys.


So end of the first semester of high school as a freshmen yay now this is all I remember in French: Bonjour, Salut, Un Cahier( unsure still on what it means) Je suis de Florida, Tu aimes la glace, J'aime bien, Je n'aime pas, et çava. That aside in celebration of first year of high school being almost over (with all A's and B's surprisingly) I shall get started on an one-shot song fic for the Anime Soul Eater and yes the song shall be sad and it may or not be about cheating again don't know. The idea for it popped in my head while I was in the shower an hour ago so yeah joyeux nöel et content Nouvelle année.
           Bonne journée