
Did you paint the walls again?


* when had he been so lucky to be granted a woman like Esme? there were moments, even to this day, where Carlisle half believed she was a dream he had created. his arms snaked around her waist, content to just hold her close for a moment. he still couldn't quite get enough of these small snatches of peace, despite the fact he knew he had an eternity * So what is your next big plan?


@doctorfang ⠀⠀ [  the domesticity of the moment turned her frown into the smallest of smiles, the pad of her thumb faintly brushing against his stone cold cheek.  ]    good. after all this time with you by my side, i don’t know what i would do if you weren’t.    [  she moved to rest her head against his chest, a sigh of contentment escaping her lips.  ]


* his beloved Esme, so strong when she shouldn't have needed to be. He had meant it, of course, that he would have done anything for her. His own hand came up to cover hers, leaning against her touch as he closed his eyes briefly * You will always have us. You will always have me.