Hi @fearmegu just wondering what if on murder drones where designation v When see was in maid so on mansion where V build her ultimate weapon son name Ryan was give name her self before Ryan became fire lord so @fearmegu what you think of idea mate?
Because @fearmegu here a thing we don’t know fire lord parents so instead of that is the murder drone designation v is the mother of fire lord since she made him a special robot creature he not a worker drone, he not disassembly drones he some kind special boy with unstoppable power that v created mate right @fearmegu?
Okay @fearmegu is you heard of murder drones, so on mansion where on lab the maid drone name v I working on something special that she wanted a son She made the ultimate weapon name the fire lord, when he wake up he was happy to see new world new place and new mom the is her v so @fearmegu what you idea mate?