
          	On this episode of "Marvel Studios Erasing the Maximoffs' Romani and Jewish Heritage!"
          	WandaVision changed her parents' names!
          	In the comics, Natalya Maximoff and Max Eisenhardt (Magneto) (that may be the wrong name, because I keep finding different ones, I think they're different versions since the last name is always the same.) They were Holocaust survivors.
          	What are their names in the MCU? Oleg and Irina.
          	Why were the names changed?
          	Fake information, to hide the identity of Magneto?
          	SEEMS LEGIT
          	F*CK IT


          On this episode of "Marvel Studios Erasing the Maximoffs' Romani and Jewish Heritage!"
          WandaVision changed her parents' names!
          In the comics, Natalya Maximoff and Max Eisenhardt (Magneto) (that may be the wrong name, because I keep finding different ones, I think they're different versions since the last name is always the same.) They were Holocaust survivors.
          What are their names in the MCU? Oleg and Irina.
          Why were the names changed?
          Fake information, to hide the identity of Magneto?
          SEEMS LEGIT
          F*CK IT


          All the people are Westview are real. And it's proven that Wanda can't make a /physical/ object out of nothing. So it makes sense that she could be animating Vision's corpse? Especially with what we saw near the end of the fourth episode?


...I misplaced an entire scene, over 1,500 words, for The Backup. Literally what I needed today.
          My dad got two cats in 2011. Siegfried and Brunhilde, Siggy and Bruni, cousins. When my dad died, I took Siggy with me when I moved back to my mom's. It was a very hard move, for so many reasons, and Sig really helped make it better. He had to leave the only home he had ever lived in, two cats he knew, for a new place and two new cats. Then another new house, about three months later. That stress worsened his kidney disease, which he was originally in the early stages of and moving slowly through.
          A month or two ago, we learned that he had it, and was over halfway through stage three and quickly progressing. My mom left all of the decisions regarding him up to me. I voted for painkillers, to make him comfortable, because the medications we could put him on had little chance of working, or at least working in time (the vet told us that we had a couple weeks to a few months, it was just a waiting game.) We had the option of a blood pressure pill, but we rent, and we promised the landlord when he begrudgingly let us keep the cats that we would keep the place clean. The BPM would’ve caused some accidents, and Sig was already having trouble with the litter box. But he’s very sensitive to the painkiller he was prescribed, and becomes intoxicated. Can’t walk very well because he's retaining so much water, and the other night he was catatonic. Fell asleep with his eyes open, shallow breathing, didn’t respond to my mom shaking him or lifting his head and letting it fall three times. We thought that night, a couple days ago, was going to be the last.
          We took him to the vet today. He has an ear infection, a urinary tract infection, dementia (he bit me the other day, which he doesn’t do), a heart murmur (congestive heart failure is a sign of kidney failure), and is in the final part of stage three. He’s being put down this Thursday. And I’m really struggling. I need a fcking win.


@ashdeanmanns Although we've dmed about Siggy, I'm still so sorry about everything going on.  And yes, my dude, you definitely need a win!  (pretend wattpad allowed whale emojis to be inserted here) ❤❤❤


@ashdeanmanns sending love ❤️ and hugs too you! X


@ ashdeanmanns  noooo


I feel a little motivated today. It's actually really nice.
          This motivation had given me a plan.
          1) I'm editing No Longer Hiding, after not touching the fic for months. As of right now, I'm on chapter 15, about halfway through. Hopefully this editing helps me continue writing this, so I can finish it. (And I may make a new cover, I don't know yet.)
          2) I'm going to work more on Part Four of In All Our Years. I have four more chapters, and then I'm done. Most of what's keeping me from doing the next chapter is that I have to watch Far From Home for it, and I just haven't gotten to it.
          3) Hopefully whatever else I have time for (:


...Was this update really necessary?
          In the grand scheme - the exact same options. Just a different order. That hasn't been changed in YEARS.
          Not at all necessary.
          I don't want to admit how long it took me to find my profile.


If you haven't heard, George Floyd's murderer was raised up to second degree murder, which means it was intentional but the killer didn't go in with the plan. At first it was third, which meant that it was in the heat of the moment.
          Now that the cops in the George Floyd case have been given a charges, that doesn't mean that the fight is over. One part is wrapping up, and that shouldn't mean that people decide to no longer care.
          The FBI had raised white supremacist groups to the same threat-level as ISIS.
          This fight has been a long time coming. Don't go silent now that one of the immediate goals is being taken care of. It took so many groups of people, multiple countries, protests/riots all around America, to get this done. And we shouldn't stop. Not until the job is completely done.
          Don't be silent just because it's easy. Don't be silent because it's "dying down." The only way change will happen is if people act and fight for it. #blacklivesmatter.


It’s about time that white supremacist groups are taken as the serious threat that they are!  And yes, just because we have gotten the small justice of Floyd’s murderers (I read that the other three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting) being charged is good, it’s just the beginning.


*read the full message*
          The stonewallgives instagram account has shared an image that says;
          "We understand what it means to rise up and push back against a culture that tells us we are less than, that we don't matter.
          Today, we join together to say that #BlackLivesMatter and commit ourselves to the action those words require."
          I live in a tiny town in Ohio. Incredibly conservative, we have a couple fascists. The police were called when the town's LGBTQ+ organization lawfully blocked off anintersection to paint a rainbow, just like they did last year. People believed it was an act toward the riots.
          The National Guard are in our major cities, to either "control" the riots or keep them from reaching a riot. They are outposted in a small town that's fifteen minutes away if you take the right roads. Many small towns are holding their own protests and vigils. Mine was supposed to have one, but death threats were sent to the woman that organized it, and it was revealed that she didn't have a warrant.
          Yesterday, I was asked - with where we are in the world, if Martin Luther King Jr hadn't been killed, if he would still believe in the use of peace...It's horrible that we both had no idea how to answer that question. I can honestly say that I don't think he would.
          What's happening in America right now is scary. But these people have been living in violence for generations, for hundreds of years. It's an every day part of their lives, and that is not okay. It's beyond past time for change, and if the violence helps get that change, then so be it.
          Pride started with a riot. If black lives will finally be respected due to a riot, then that's what it is.