Below is a copy and paste of a Tumblr post.
Despite a switch up in my blogs that I use for fanfiction and making it so that all of my Tumblr content is in one place, I'm still continuing on with fanfiction. Lady Conned on Tumblr is still going on and I may write some stuff for Tumblr directly if requested.
Right now, I'm wanting to write for Wattpad because why not? I already have one well liked story on there (Lady Conned) so I will be finishing that and maybe moving my Lillianna/Carlisle Cullen stories to there as well. I may use my Tumblr fanfiction for that paring as lore for their story and write something entirely new on Wattpad.
I'm currently putting everything in Lady Conned into a document so it's easier to write and something about writing fanfiction makes me want to be a little more discreet. Like if someone looks over my shoulder they may laugh at me. It's silly. My fiance doesn't even care.