Thank you all 9 of my friends and 6 other people for following me.
I thought I'd give you a bit of an update. You see, I'm not exactly confident in my work anymore, neither do I think that what I post on here is up to my full potential. I can barely keep on top of school work at the moment, so I haven't written anything for a while. Everything just takes a lot longer than it should and I have no idea how I managed to do it before. I mean, seriously, my Mekakucity Swaps was written in a DAY! The root of this problem lies in procrastination, motivation and work speed. So, basically, it's bringing everything down: my school work which affects my art which affects my free time which affects my reading which affects my writing. Yup, you guys here are the bottom of the pile.
I'm sorry. Also, I'm feeling a bit down at the moment, but I'll keep my goals in sight. Thank you for withstanding me.