
          	                                       How are you all my dear sisters? Hope u will be fine by the grace of ALLAH.This is to wish u  Ramadan Mubarak as we all know that this is the most blessing month out of all because ALLAH  sends His Mercy in this month,showers us with love by locking out shaitan from from our hearts so we can acheive good deeds and improves ourselves not only Islamically but morally also because each part of Islam  teaches us diff things .May ALLAH enable us to acheive our goals as well as seek His mercy so we can cherish each and every moment of Ramadan and keeps us away from evil deed and make our LORD satisfied with our deeds AMEEN .This is the only month where we get time to do lots of ebadah and we can also save something for akhirah .Dont forget to give ur fullest because time once gone is gone forever but leaves only regret...P.S:remember me in ur prayers !jazakALLAH
          	"Ramadan is a month whose beginning is mercy,whose middle is forgiveness and whose end is freedom from the fire"


                                                 How are you all my dear sisters? Hope u will be fine by the grace of ALLAH.This is to wish u  Ramadan Mubarak as we all know that this is the most blessing month out of all because ALLAH  sends His Mercy in this month,showers us with love by locking out shaitan from from our hearts so we can acheive good deeds and improves ourselves not only Islamically but morally also because each part of Islam  teaches us diff things .May ALLAH enable us to acheive our goals as well as seek His mercy so we can cherish each and every moment of Ramadan and keeps us away from evil deed and make our LORD satisfied with our deeds AMEEN .This is the only month where we get time to do lots of ebadah and we can also save something for akhirah .Dont forget to give ur fullest because time once gone is gone forever but leaves only regret...P.S:remember me in ur prayers !jazakALLAH
          "Ramadan is a month whose beginning is mercy,whose middle is forgiveness and whose end is freedom from the fire"


Assalamu alaikum 
          i would love it if you read my stories and vote for them. they are spiritual. I hope you like them.


@fery_princess96 you will do great. Ameen!


@iqrashafique :jazakAllah.... i really need ur prayers!


aoa ! #Peshawar school attack :first of all my deep condolences to all the mothers who have to go through all the pain of their loved ones . They have a very big heart to consume all the pain we can't really imagine their pain let alone feel it . ALLAH has grant their children the position of a SHAHEED. I can't imagine how can thy go thru this pain may ALLAH grant them patience and the main intention of this dua/post is to make dua for all those little flowers of their garden who only went to school to learn education with a lil dream to become doctor ' engineer ' etc . I ask myself thy were not at fault so why did they have to go thru so much pain.We have learnt from them never to compromise in whichever situations u are . And salute to all those teachers who didn't care for their lives and were burned only to save their children. No religion can allow this . As a Muslim As a human being it is our responsibility to make dua for them .May Allah grant them Jannat ul Firdous ! ameen