Hello my followers, I have come bearing a recommendation to what is quickly becoming my favorite Wattpad novel! The novel in question is called A Monk's Journey by the talented @dawnashes
To get a taste of the gorgeous writing style the author employs, here is a short excerpt from the novel:
"Death. What made it so frightening? Why did soldiers so readily raise a white flag during a losing battle? Why did villagers hand bandits all their possessions when at gunpoint?
Everyone died. Everyone would eventually. So, what difference would it make to die today or tomorrow or a month later?"
I recommend this novel for anyone in need of a good fantasy, paranormal, historical, or Chinese themed novel!
Without further ado, here is the link to the novel: https://www.wattpad.com/story/231899500-a-monk%27s-journey
I hope you all enjoy it as much as I am!