
im so sorry i haven’t updated any of my books in so long, school has been crazy busy but ill try and update soon. i appreciate y’all’s patienc


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guys outerbanks season 4 part 1 was actually so so so so good why did they have to ruin it with part 2. like, the hyperbaric chamber scene, the kiss scene and the pier scene. AGH! the ONLY good scene in part 2 was when they were cuddling on the beach and kie had her head on jj’s chest awh that was really cute. ugh, sigh.
          also omg i saw this theory for season 5 and it lowkey made a lot of sense but i really hope it doesn’t happen. 
          so, sarah will have a miscarriage from all the running around in morroco and almost drowning and stuff and stress in general. but when they get back the blue crown, they will have to make a wish. it leaves the pogues with a decision, they have to decide whether to bring jj back to life or bring sarah’s baby back to life.  they think ‘what would jj want us to do’ and he would want them to save the baby. ugh i hope that doesn’t happen. 
          i really really hope jj comes back in season 5 i don’t know what i’ll do if he doesn’t, it would be so cruel not to give jiara a happy ending 
          also how the fuck are riara fans existing like i’m sorry what… i 100% love the idea that they used to date but that’s in the past…
          i don’t get how people think they’re getting together next season. that would literally be my last straw. i would be out the door! 
          anyways that’s my little rant sorry y’all!! hopefully gonna update both my books tonight


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i agree but for me the fact that they used stunt doubles to film this scene make it loose all the magic :(
            omg i haven't seen this theory and i thought it couldn't get any worse but if it happens i swear i'll throw my laptop away and cry again
            righttt give these babies their happy ending!!


hii i just want to ask if it'd be okay for you if i did obx ig too cause you inspired me but i'd do one based on s1


@fictionalcouplehub ❤️❤️ 
            and i cant wait to read another parts of your one!


of course it is!! can’t wait to read it 


y’all thanks so much for over 2k reads omg!! so grateful to everyone for voting, commenting and reading!!
          im sorry i haven’t updated in so long, i’ve been in an absolute slump since the ending of outerbanks s4 and am really lacking motivation. buttt i have a good idea for a new part that will hopefully be out tomorrow! 


hey can you make a some smutty scenes with John b and Sarah or some with pope and Cleo? or both Anyway I think your work is amazing :D


thank you so much for the message! yeah sure i could, let me know if you have any particular ideas of scenes  you’d like to see! i will probably make another book about it as i think id like to keep this one just jiara! x