well hi then 

being such a huge nerd has taken me to the wonderful world of fanfiction. and pretty soon I made the awful decision to start writing too. (I'm working on it I promise bear with me)

so apparently a thing people do here is it their fandoms and ships.
here we go.

-Agents of Shield
-The 100
-The Hunger Games
-Harry Potter
-Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus
-The Maze Runner

I actually only have two otps (which I am personally very happy about) and those are Flarke (Finn and Clarke from The 100) and FitzSimmons (Fitz and Simmons from Agents of Shield) I blame my friends for fangirling with me and encouraging me well done guys, you are personally responsible for me ending up this way.

feel free to stalk me down at my other places and such (I like new friends)

my Instagram- @fictionaltrash on which I mostly post crappy edits and other shit

and my Agents of Shield Instagram- @hailalphonso which is also crappy edits but this time Marvel and Agents of Shield

and my tumblr (I'm so cool) - @fictionallytrash where I reblog fandomy text posts and stuffs

AND my Agents of Shield/Marvel Tumblr- @hailalphonso which is primarily me thinking I'm funny at the textposts

congratulations if you got this far I barely had the will to type this
  • have you ever heard of England
  • JoinedSeptember 19, 2015