
Hi readers of “Puppy eyes.” I’ve decided to unpublish the book as I didn’t know where to take it. I felt like the whole story felt rushed, messy and boring. If I have time later down the line I will rewrite it and publish it. Sorry if you were enjoying it. I may write a new Johnny Cade x reader or even x OC book if anyone wants to leave suggestions on what they’d like to read? 
          	Sorry for the inconvenience 


Hi readers of “Puppy eyes.” I’ve decided to unpublish the book as I didn’t know where to take it. I felt like the whole story felt rushed, messy and boring. If I have time later down the line I will rewrite it and publish it. Sorry if you were enjoying it. I may write a new Johnny Cade x reader or even x OC book if anyone wants to leave suggestions on what they’d like to read? 
          Sorry for the inconvenience 


Hi love! i just finished reading your sally face book.. IT WAS AMAZING! i’m not really sure what ur snap or tik tok is and i don’t have instagram so if you don’t mind giving me ur tik tok or something that would be great!


Awe I’ve just seen this! Thankyou so much that is so sweet! My tiktok is beccyboo_k