
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading my stories. I am posting this to announce that I will no longer be active on this account or @acupofsunshine_ 
          	I have created a new account @goldensuma and will be writing there. 
          	Thank you for being here!


Jeez it’s been so long since I’ve published a story here, hasn’t it? Well, I’m happy to announce the end of my hiatus! This summer, I’ll be starting a new story called “wildflower” (a merchant of venice retelling). I hope it turns out good! Currently, I’m in the middle of the torment that is ICSE board exams (pray 4 me plz) but as soon as that’s over, I’ll publish the first few chapters. For now, I may or may not publish the cast + introductory chapters... let’s see. 
          Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 
          Have a great day/ night 


Heyo everyone! I know I’ve been pretty dead on this account, but check out my side account @acupofsunshine for my BTS fanfic Vintage (reader x jhope). And don’t forget to check out @eternalpizza2104 and her story Coincidence which she recently updated! 
          Thank you for your support! <3 <3 <3 <3


Ok so hullo everybody. Thank you for showing your love by voting and commenting on polaroids! It means the world to me. So I have a question for you guys: for the next “extra” chapter in Polaroids, would you like a character aesthetic of June or Sienna? 


Guyssss ok hi hi so I published a new story, in case you didn’t know. It’s called Polaroids and it’s basically just a random short chapter novel about discovering life and dealing with individuality. Check it out! Also thank youuuu to everyone who read it!!! Don’t forget to comment and vote, it does help me. 


Omg omg omg Strange has hit 200 reads!!!! I can’t even believe it. Thank you to everyone who has read and voted and commented. And Distances is just 2 reads away from 700!!! Yayyyyyy I’m so happy. Shoutout to @jiminiepabo741 for supporting me <3


*laughing emoji* thanks 


@KuroTsuki20   Awwwe stop it you're making me blush! Congratulations on 200 reads!