Hi dear
Thank you so much for adding my story Arjun and keerti a twisted love story in your library it means a lot ❤️
Hope you like it and enjoy it ❤️
Thanks for your precious votes and support ❤️
Spread love ♥
Holaaa my sweetos!!
So finally 10th cbse result came todayyyy...
....i wasss freaking out jst b4 15 mins of declaration, i was bathed in sweat
But....as soon as i opened my result...the million dollar that i saw on my father's face was priceless♥️
I was sooo soo soo happyyyyy♡
I got 95% soo m really really happy n emotional all at once
Jst shared it with ya all♡ #spreadlove
Wishing a very very veryyyy happy friendship day to all my dearos♡
Love u all a lot
And...also a happy welcome to August.
Go check out the latest of my poem on this spcl occasion♡