
Hey, everyone! I published a new fanfic! Give it a read; I think you'll like it.


Hi, I don't normally go around and comment on people's profiles but your art is really good and really cool. And sorry for the spam. But your art really deserves to have more people looking at it.
          Awesome job!


@sunsets_at_midnight Thanks very much. Don't apologize for the spam; always a pleasant surprise! I'm working to improve and am quite self-critical, so it's nice to hear feedback. Thank you again, and keep on arting. 


you SO deserve more votes on your art book. I can't get over your style and how amazing it is. you're a very very talented person :)


again your very welcome! In my next chapter for my art book I'm going to give you a shoutout and tell my viewers to go heck out your art book because you deserve so much more!


@King_Calum Hah! Thanks again; it's great to hear from a fellow artist.


Rant time.
          Whoever you are, your Wattpad stories are not books. They simply aren't. Would you like me to back up my statement? No? Well, I'm going to anyway...
          book n.
          1. a handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
          2. a division of a literary work, especially one of the larger divisions.
          The above definition does not apply to anything posted here, on Wattpad. Be it a short story, poetry, or ridiculously long fanfiction, it is not a book. What you have here, dear readers, are stories. Stories are narratives, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse. Stories are designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the reader.
          Now, is that not more applicable than the term 'book'?
          In conclusion, Wattpad is an informal method of placing your writings (works) into a select public (the Wattpad readers). Basically, Facebook for writing. Infamous comment section and all.
          So please, for my sanity, refrain from calling your works, books.
          - Figbar


(Disclaimer: Do not read the following if you don't actually care.)
          Hello, fellow humans.
          As you might have noticed, I have not been updating my story, The Adventures of Arwen Reid. I apologize for that. Obviously, the quality of my writing will improve as I mature. It is doing so now. Unfortunately, the story will be staying like that for some time. More extensive planning and character development is required for me to continue. For now, carry on with your lives.
          Thank you for your patience, 