Rant time.
Whoever you are, your Wattpad stories are not books. They simply aren't. Would you like me to back up my statement? No? Well, I'm going to anyway...
book n.
1. a handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
2. a division of a literary work, especially one of the larger divisions.
The above definition does not apply to anything posted here, on Wattpad. Be it a short story, poetry, or ridiculously long fanfiction, it is not a book. What you have here, dear readers, are stories. Stories are narratives, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse. Stories are designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the reader.
Now, is that not more applicable than the term 'book'?
In conclusion, Wattpad is an informal method of placing your writings (works) into a select public (the Wattpad readers). Basically, Facebook for writing. Infamous comment section and all.
So please, for my sanity, refrain from calling your works, books.
- Figbar