
          	       randall  "randy"   elis(abeth)  meeks,   the  film  nerd.
          	       revived  jan.  26th,  2025.   penned  by  tatum.
          	       tied  to  &&   for  lottie.   canon + fanon / au  protrayal.
          	                    SO  I'M  LEAVING  OUT  THE  SIDE  DOOR.


the  archetype  expert.   the  comedic  relief.   born  knowing  how  this  would  end.   never  the  leading  man.   the  cinephile.


they’re  my  second  favorite  band!!


jennifer’s  body.  (  she  pulls  her  sweater  over  her  head,  unaware  of  randy’s  vision-  or  lack  thereof.  she  places  her  hands  on  her  hips,  examining  herself  in  the  mirror.  )  or  miss  world.  miss  world  reminds  me  of,  well,  *me*.  you  can  take  the  cd  home  to  listen,  if  you  want.  :D  
            /  can  we  get  him  the  old  people  reading  glasses,,  please,,, 


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @missworlds- :
            second  favorite,   huh?    {  with  squinted  eyes  randy  continues  to  examine  the  tiny  lettering  on  the  back  of  the  cd  case,   sparing  a  glance  at  juliette  from  the  corner  of  his  eye  out  of  the  wild  hope  she  isn't  watching.  }    what's  your  favorite  song  by  them?    they  look  like  they'd  make  a  killer  soundtrack —  literally.    she  looks  like  a  final  girl ! 
            *   sorry ,,  am  a  poor  eyesight  randy  truther   (not  projecting  at  all)


i’veeeee  been  keepin’  a  pretty  big  secret.  
          /  thinking  abt  how  she  told  him  abt  juno  when  they  were  in  the  hospital  waiting  room,,


no,  no.  it  can  be.  (  she  lets  out  a  dry  laugh,  fumbling  with  her  hands.  )  so  you  remember  how  i’ve  been  totally  sick  lately,  and  we  wrote  it  off  as  food  poisoning  or  anxiety?  well,  funny  story.  it’s  a  baby.  so,  i  guess  permanent  anxiety.  
            /  need  their  asses  to  look  at  a  clock.  or  a  calendar.  or  something.


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @missworlds- :
            bigger  than  maureen  prescott's  homicidal  bastard  son ?    {  as  tense  as  randy's  voice  is,   he  still  delivers  the  joke  with  that  typical  disregard  for  the  timing  he  has  always  held  onto,   lips  cracking  into  a  wary  grin  as  he  turns  his  full  attention  to  juliette.  }     go  ahead,   superstar.   it  can't  be  that  bad.
            *    that  one  couple  who  does  NOT  have  a  concept  of  timing ,, 


i’m  not  asking  you.  i’m  *telling*  you  to  go  to  prom  with  me.  
          /  she  wears  the  pants,,  on  god,,


(  she  claps  her  hands  together,  bouncing  up  and  down;  careful  not  to  break  her  delicate  heel.  if  you’d  told  her  four  years  ago  that  she’d  be  going  to  prom  with  randy,  she  would’ve  laughed-  and  probably  blushed.  but  mostly  laughed.  )  perfect.  theme  doesn’t  really  matter,  but  it’s  hollywood.  i  got  inside  scoop,  since  i  know  people  on  student  council.  :D  (  she  grins,  pressing  a  kiss  against  her  boyfriends  cheek.  )  this  is  *so*  exciting!


*   as  she  should ,,   this  man  needs  a  maid  outfit  NOW 


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @missworlds- :
            ma'am,   yes  ma'am.    {  with  an  obedient   (albeit  dramatic)  salute  to  his  girlfriend,   randy  finds  that  his  prior  reluctancy  to  go  to  prom  has  been  both  significantly  challenged  and  beat  out  by  juliette  macher  herself.   however  impossible  it  once  seemed,   she's  made  the  entire  idea  sound  far  better  than  the  nightmare  he  once  called  it.  }    problem:  i  don't  know  when  that  is  (or)  what  the  theme  is.    is  the  theme  even  important?   


what’s  your  favorite  song?  :D


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just  feeling  nosy.  maybe  it’s  to  do  with  an  anniversary  gift  i’m  inquiring.  nothin’  much.  (  she  grins,  poking  at  her  dads  cheek.  )  i’m  glad  you  two  are  still  in  love.  it’d  be  really  lame  if  you  weren’t,  going  through  all  that  shit  together  only  to  divorce.  


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @knowsmore- :
            'she's  electric'   by  oasis.     {  the  answer  is  the  same  one  randy  has  maintained  for  decades  at  this  point,   the  smile  that  crosses  his  lips  at  the  very  title  still  the  same  as  the  teenage  boy  he  once  was.   }    reminds  me  of  your  mom.    she  actually  showed  the  band  to  me —   but  you  knew  that  already.   why ?


you  and  mama  are  like  this  song.  
          /  sorry,,  love  story,, 


well,  he  didn’t  ever  lie.  did  he?  you  are  a  loud  mouth  who  used  to  work  at  a  video  store.  (  she  nudges  her  dads  shoulder,  giggling.  )  kidding.  kidding.  your  name  starts  with  an  r,  mama’s  name  is  juliette…  if  you  ask  me,  i  think  this  song  was  (made)  for  you  two.  i  mean,  mom  is  a  princess.  at  least,  you  treat  her  like  one.  


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @knowsmore- :
            you  think  so ?    {  hearing  a  comparison  between  their  daily  lives  and  any  taylor  swift  song  became  commonplace  for  randy  long  ago.   it's  far  from  a  complaint  he  has;  he  enjoys  her  music,   and  any  further  ground  upon  which  he  can  bond  with  his  daughter  will  forever  be  appreciated  by  him.   }    it  reminds  me  of  high  school.   christ,   your  mama's  dad  (hated)  me —   thought  i  was  just  the  no  good  loudmouth  who  worked  at  the  video  store   :/
            *     never  apologize  for  taylor  swift.   Ever ,,


not  his  fault  my  ex  decided  to  go  all  stabby-stabby  and  try  and  kill  me!  (  …  )  sorry.  too  soon? 


woopsie  daisies.  (  she  shoots  her  father  a  sorry  smile,  picking  at  the  edges  of  the  bandaid  around  her  heart.  )  i  thought  he  was  a  man,  but  as  fiona  apple  says,  he’s  just  a  little  boy.  (  …  )  i  dunno  how  aunt  sidney  did  it.  or,  well,  is  still  doin’  it.  i’m  ready  to  give  up  on  love  and  wait  for  juno  to  get  a  wife  and  be  the  weird  aunt  with  a  bunch  of  cats.  


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CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @knowsmore- :
            shiii —    (shit),   fi,   that's..  yeah.    too  soon.    {  waaaay too  soon.   randy  almost  wants  to  throw  up  at  the  twisted  timing  of  it  all,   throat  clearing  in  a  futile  attempt  to  keep  throwing  up  in  his  mouth.   fuck,   the  mention  of  that  little  bastard  still  makes  him  shake.  }    way  too  soon.    ( .. )    i  know  it  isn't  your  fault,   baby.    you  cared  about  him,   and  people  like  that..  they  hide.    