
Finally finished Lycaon [Camera obscura] Trilogy Tribute so I hope you all enjoy it! Also I know there is a heap of bands disbanding or have recently disbanded, so if anyone has a suggestion for another tribute trilogy I will be happy to write one!


Finally finished Lycaon [Camera obscura] Trilogy Tribute so I hope you all enjoy it! Also I know there is a heap of bands disbanding or have recently disbanded, so if anyone has a suggestion for another tribute trilogy I will be happy to write one!


this message may be offensive
So I had a shit day today... I got my results from my last year of school and they were so shattering, I honestly thought that I had worked hard and had done much better than what I got. So uni is out of the question for a while. I'm sorry guys for not updating today, but I am just too miserable. - filth


No problem and thanks!


@xibitsux Thankyou very much, I hope you do well with your finals!


Aww I'm so sorry this happened to you. I know how it feels to work so hard on something only to find out that you didn't do as well as you expected (I should know since I have finals this week as well, so I'm a bit scared). You should just take your time to breathe until all of this cools down. We'll all be here to support you no matter what ^_^