his parents would both die of natural causes when he was in his middle to late twenties leaving their quaint little farmhouse and acres of land, as their to their only son, callum. the grieving process was short, even though his mother and father had been active participants in his life he knew they'd always been ashamed of him telling him he needed his medicine. medicine to be normal.
he began to frequent town more, watching the people around him and how they behaved and interacted. the well liked people, the ones who seemed so friendly. so welcoming. after studying the behaviors he began to mimic them enough so much so that he began to make more acquaintances around town. until one day a woman showed genuine interest in him, they got to talking and she revealed she was a nursing student who attending the local college. this was when things took a turn for the worst. she was going to try and poison him too. so he invited her over, gaining the upper hand and slipping something into her wine before handing it off to her. once she was out she was stripped of all her valuables before she was tossed into an enclosure of several pigs which would in turn eat the woman alive. this would mark the start of his taste for blood. this act being carried out several times as he became more and more confident sometimes even inviting more than one person over with the intentions to kill them all. with time his ways became more brutal and hands on.
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