
Claim is finally finished, yay! 
          	The next part in this unofficial series is in the works, so expect more sweet kinks soon ♡ haha


They're still learning to love themselves.
          Namjoon said to use them to love ourselves, just as he uses us to love himself. This is a start- a good start- but a terrible end in learning to love.
          If my love for myself is dependent on your love for me, it is still fake love. I do not love me, I love that you love me. 
          Its easy to say something, its even easier to know, but actions so often fall short of our words and our knowledge because what feels like wisdom is still growing.
          Ignorance is a solid state, knowledge is liquid, but wisdom is gaseous and hard to grasp because it is all-encompassing. 
          They're still learning about love; they're still young and growing. As much as I want them to rest, maybe they need to walk through this fire. Sometimes learning hurts, because learning is another form of growing, a type you can deny but will you ever reach your best if you refuse to learn.
          I want them safe, I know we all do, and if small injuries are the price to pay for preventing worse ones later, it is necessary. They're still learning about love and the boundaries between healthy and fickle love.
          I feel like anything I say will never be enough because there is so much more yet to be said. But all I can do is pray.