
I am thinking I may need to start a new book. 
          	It has been..... a while. 
          	FYI couldn't get into my account for the longest time so I couldn't start writing again when I wanted to. 


Hey guys!
          So I haven't written for a long while. I've had many messages from readers who sya they have missed my books and if I'm being honest, I've missed writing them too.
          When I started writing it was literally a way for me to escape my depression. I was really suffering back in 2015 due to a lot of messed up personal stuff. 3 years ago I left the situation which was causing me a lot of suffering, went to university, improved my life and I simple forgot to write.
          I've pretty much finished my bachelors degree now and have spent the last few days going over some old books of mine and remembering how much I enjoyed writing. It was a great escape for me. I may not have improved creatively as my degree was linguistic based more so than creative writing based, but I have definitely grown over the last 3 years and want to give writing a go again.
          I enjoy writing fanfics and will maybe write some more but I struggle to write them well enough to be taken seriously. So I have decided to have a go at writing my first serious novel with no fanfic status attached to it some point soon also.
          I hope you guys will continue to support me and I hope anyone who has read my books previously still log into this site and will continue to enjoy any of my future works.
          It wasn't just my writing that helped me but also the friends I made through this site and the support you all gave me. ❤️


@firefly88 I'll read whatever you write. I support you 100%


Hiya I just love you as a friend your story about  Dean, wolves, humans, and vampire is one of my top favorites!! I can't wait for book 2 of it I really can't 


Your welcome and take your time 


@AgentCastle77 Thank you for your support. I have been away for a long while but I plan to start writing again soon. It's just going to take a bit to get back into the swing of things. I did start the second book but I never continued it. I aim to continue and finish it when I have my writing jibe back. 


I've been craving a Moxley/Dean story lately but I can't find any good ones. Your the only one on here that has written the best ones and I've already read them. I miss your Moxley/Dean stories. 


@MotionlessTragedy THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!! 


@MotionlessTragedy Hey. I hope you still log into this site. I am wanting to get back into writing again so maybe I can do another Dean/Moxley project soon. 


Request for latest book.
          Dean ambrose is a psychiatric patient in a asylum, his friend roman or seth worked endlessly to enter the system and become his caretaker. This is their routine.  No yoai or boy×boy relationships they're just friends, but really angsty, with psychotic dean or moxley.
          Seth or roman (you decide or both if it's beter) move to a new town and meet the loner/neglected dean ambrose, a bruised and beaten, fowl mouthed dirty 9 years old. So young yet, already grown up. Can they save him from his abusive parents 
          It's okay if you don't want to, just some suggestions.  Sorry, if that's to specific or demanding and loved the first chapter!


Its fine totally understand, coming from a college students POv


@LHfuturecartonist I will get back to you in the near future. Had two essays dumped on me so need to get them done first. I will do one of your ideas, no problem. ☺️


Hey guys. Soon I will be on my long summer break. Once Moxley is done, I plan to finish other stories. If some have no interest anymore, I won't be updating them. Can you guys let me know what stories you want to be finished, that way I can concentrate on the ones that still have readers. Thanks in advance.  I can't wait to write my new ideas into books once I have completed the ones currently on hold.


Hi all. Just would like to say that if a story says on hold, no amount of inboxes and comments asking me to continue will change the fact it's on hold. I have a life outside of wattpad and a very busy one recently at that. Thank you for understanding. 


I’m getting emails saying I wanted to change my password. Apparently someone is trying to get into my account. 


Exactly. I’ve backed up all my stories just in case anything ever happened anyway. Since I posted this it hasn’t happened again. 


@firefly88 ouch! Well, at least we all know these are your stories if they claim to be the ones who wrote it. Copiers always bust my buns!


Hey all. I’m really sorry I haven’t updated. I’ve had five essays to get done in very little time. I have been working on the next chapter but it’s still not complete. Sorry for the delay and falling behind. I promise to get the next chapter up the moment it is complete. ☺️