
As some of you know I was one of the guest judges for the #Wattpad4 monthly contest… @LDCrichton @RebeccaSky, @ELatimer and @DistantDreamer, picked their favorite entries and sent them to us. We had a hard time choosing from the incredible entries but managed to select just one as our grand prize winner! 
          	Here’s what we loved about it:
          	“The hint of intrigue in the set-up is great. There is enough interesting detail to show what's happening, while making me want to read on to find out more.” -@AvrilTremayne
          	“A dark and mystical romance that you just can’t stop reading. The haunted characters come to life and take you into the story with them.” -@ClaireChilton
          	“A unique story premise.” –@fireflying505
          	Please check out LITTLE SAINT BRIDE by @larissajay


As some of you know I was one of the guest judges for the #Wattpad4 monthly contest… @LDCrichton @RebeccaSky, @ELatimer and @DistantDreamer, picked their favorite entries and sent them to us. We had a hard time choosing from the incredible entries but managed to select just one as our grand prize winner! 
          Here’s what we loved about it:
          “The hint of intrigue in the set-up is great. There is enough interesting detail to show what's happening, while making me want to read on to find out more.” -@AvrilTremayne
          “A dark and mystical romance that you just can’t stop reading. The haunted characters come to life and take you into the story with them.” -@ClaireChilton
          “A unique story premise.” –@fireflying505
          Please check out LITTLE SAINT BRIDE by @larissajay


Hi all! Sorry I've been quiet recently. I will have some stories to share with you all soon =) This month I'm guest judging a contest here on Wattpad! Read on for details:
          Want your work shared with over 200,000 wattpaders? I’ll be starring alongside other of Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write past contest winners as guest judges for the #Wattpad4 monthly read/review/share contest. The wattpad4: @DistantDreamer, @LDCrichton, @ELatimer and @RebeccaSky will be sending their winning entries to us to select one grand prize winner.  
          THE RULES:  Please DO NOT post entries on MY message board, they will NOT be counted.  Head over to the Wattpad4 girl’s boards for entry instructions. Entries are accepted now until Wednesday, July 8th. The winner will be announced on Friday July, 10th 2015. This month’s theme is Romance! 
          HOW IT WORKS:  Post your ROMANCE story’s description and link on the message board of the Wattpad4 member you’re entering to. (Story does not have to be completed). Each member of Wattpad4 will pick one of the stories entered on their board. The four entries will be sent to us and we will select one GRAND PRIZE WINNER. 
          THE PRIZE:  The first 4 winners will receive a shout out to the 200,000 wattpad4 fans, entered into the Winner Circle Library, and a first page critique!
          THE GRAND PRIZE: 
          The top winner will receive an additional shout out from all the Guest judges: @ClaireChilton @AvrilTremayne @fireflying505 @JoWatson_101
          Best of luck to participants! We can’t wait to read your stories!


hey, long time no speak. How's it going with getting the rights back to Confident Women? Are you going to self publish it, or are you trying to find a publisher? x


@IsabelleAndover @IsabelleAndover Sorry I typed a reply out days ago but it doesn't appear to have sent? Weird. Anyway, yeah there was stuff cut from the Harlequin version but I think a lot of it needed cutting anyway so maybe I could add some more backstory/subplots. I'm not writing very much at the moment =( I do still have the plan for the story and there may be a couple of chapters that are done and I haven't put them up yet so hopefully I will get back into it soon. I am really bad at flitting between ideas!


@IsabelleAndover oh is it? It seems longer. I think 60-80k is fine, maybe you could add some more chapters? I'm not sure what's involved in self-publishing but it seems to work for a lot of people. I haven't been on wattpad much either as I've been busy with the edits for Cocktails. It should be coming out in June - scary! Are you still writing Under My Umbrella? x


@IsabelleAndover Hi! I know, I feel like I'm hardly ever on Wattpad now :( well I got the rights back no trouble and I've sent it to a couple of agents/publishers but no luck so far so I might have to try self publishing. I've not had any in depth feedback from anyone but it's only about 50k words and I don't think that's very saleable in general. How are you?


Hi. i'm a huge huge fan of your work. Your stories are practical, with their headstrong characters yet downright hilarious. I would be honoured if you checked out my story "big girls don't lie". you definitely inspired me to pen down my story! love


i just read your "How to be a better writer" and I appreciate your concerns about the way wattpaders write. I learned from that too. English is not really the mother language of some, so it is a great help.
          God bless


@notsodarling Thank you. I hope some of it was useful. Nobody has perfect grammar but I tried to cover things I'd seen a lot.