Hi all! Sorry I've been quiet recently. I will have some stories to share with you all soon =) This month I'm guest judging a contest here on Wattpad! Read on for details:
Want your work shared with over 200,000 wattpaders? I’ll be starring alongside other of Harlequin’s So You Think You Can Write past contest winners as guest judges for the #Wattpad4 monthly read/review/share contest. The wattpad4: @DistantDreamer, @LDCrichton, @ELatimer and @RebeccaSky will be sending their winning entries to us to select one grand prize winner.
THE RULES: Please DO NOT post entries on MY message board, they will NOT be counted. Head over to the Wattpad4 girl’s boards for entry instructions. Entries are accepted now until Wednesday, July 8th. The winner will be announced on Friday July, 10th 2015. This month’s theme is Romance!
HOW IT WORKS: Post your ROMANCE story’s description and link on the message board of the Wattpad4 member you’re entering to. (Story does not have to be completed). Each member of Wattpad4 will pick one of the stories entered on their board. The four entries will be sent to us and we will select one GRAND PRIZE WINNER.
THE PRIZE: The first 4 winners will receive a shout out to the 200,000 wattpad4 fans, entered into the Winner Circle Library, and a first page critique!
The top winner will receive an additional shout out from all the Guest judges: @ClaireChilton @AvrilTremayne @fireflying505 @JoWatson_101
Best of luck to participants! We can’t wait to read your stories!