If there's only one weapon I can take to the battle to achieve the maximum destruction, I'd take you, as you're an unique combination of life and death. In your right hand lies the elixir of life In your left the mighty zeus thunderbolt Your words form a noose around my memories Your touch unleashes the Pandora of thoughts With a sight that of cupid Is it a blessing or a curse to resist such strength Which kills you from inside, keeps you alive from out And forms a timeloop of playful memories Followed by agonising passing. You're so unreal, no wonder I always seen you a celestial. A memory I cherish in every time loop.
@fireflytostar Lol, I haven’t abandoned it, but I’m on Part 2, around page 137? Or 184? One of them, and I’m slowly making process.
@_serendipities I put it aside after chapter 2 and it's already been a month now.