
So I'm thinking of starting another book it would be called something like "The Journeyman Blacksmith". I'm still thinking about ideas on it like time period. Do I want to make it medieval or maybe set in the thirty years war with the Protestants verses the Catholics, or maybe even make him a pirate blacksmith or armor. Just a little idea that I had tell me what yall think about it.


So I'm thinking of starting another book it would be called something like "The Journeyman Blacksmith". I'm still thinking about ideas on it like time period. Do I want to make it medieval or maybe set in the thirty years war with the Protestants verses the Catholics, or maybe even make him a pirate blacksmith or armor. Just a little idea that I had tell me what yall think about it.


sorry guys i forgot to tell you that i was on a break for the last two weeks and I'm getting back to updating soon, but i still got my job to do and wrestling practice. during the week and weekend but it will take a bit to get back into the grove of it.


okay so i want yall to tell me if you want me to write organically or not. 
          If you dont know what that means it means planning the story and the chapters before writing them. Organically basically means just writing what comes to me as it comes not really any plaining. the difference is with organic is that they will come out faster probably but they might not have as good as a story or book. And planning it means it'll be easier to make it so not ever chapter is one story and i can continue it to the next chapter easier thats all have a nice day.


thanks i will


@firerlord Hey, I'm the same about writing. one moment your on a roll writing something. and when you take a break for a bit you don't have the motivation you had before. My advise is: Do what you think is best for you and your Books,  At the end of the day, it was your idea. so keep to it, change it if you don't feel like it meets your expectations, and publish it if it does. Good Luck Writing in the future friend!