


; ❅ f r e e z e ! ❅
          your account has been tagged in an epic battle of freeze tag , your account is now frozen and cannot be unfrozen until the unfreezer comes around to unfreeze you ! if you have been frozen , we ask you to kindly participate in our epic game and mark yourself as ' frozen ' in your location or even better , set your pfp to a snowflake real quick so the untaggers can find you . (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . )


@americas-witch {I'm so so so sorry I didn't reply, I spent a lot of time on my main and forgot about this account! Oops.}
          Felicity smiled and let a butterfly land on her finger. After a few seconds, it flew away, and that was when she noticed someone sitting on a blanket in the shade. Felicity wasn't really doing anything, and so she decided to talk to the woman on the blanket.


the tiny james looked up at the girl with wide eyes . he had been turned a few weeks ago, and since then , steve was watching him- yet today the toddler seemed to have escape . 
          his wide baby blue eyes were fixed onto her as he held his plushie tight in his arms .


he giggled happily and wrapped his tiny arms around hwr


@whitewclf- "Aww, I love you too!" Felicity chuckled. 


james giggled and squealed in happines . ' i wov chu ! ' he beamed