Soon we will in for a new year 2019. Yeah I'm hoping for all of you still remember what already happen in this year and learn from any mistake that you did. Don't ever ruin your day just because you past man, nothing gonna change if you being that's way. So let all of it be your past memories and be your motivation for the next day. Actually I got what I'm gonna do in year 2019 is I'm not going to giving more to people cause I'm sure I'll hurt more than what I deserved. In that case, I'm going to loving myself like #BTSLoveMyself. Yeah, love yourself before you loving other people. I not mean you have to be a selfish but just don't give people more than their deserved, cause yourself also need your love to keep survive in this cruel world. Anyway, don't forget about your parents. Love them as their love you. Appreciate them before late. Cause when you late at one thing than you will late at everything around. I'm just having fun this end of year. I want to create even only one the best memories in 2018 before entering 2019. Last from me, HAPPY NEW YEAR!.