
Hiiii guyyysss, it's been a while since my last announcement coz well I'm a senior now *sobs* but yeah anywhoo all is good with me, just dropped by to announce that Thy Brilliance won FIRST PLACE in DYSTOPIA in the Rose Gold Awards, which is just amazing and well to my readers I'm currently on a hiatus but I promise I'll be back to finish it! Thats all and bye²


@henshu41 yooo where did u come from?? And thanks!!


Hiiii guyyysss, it's been a while since my last announcement coz well I'm a senior now *sobs* but yeah anywhoo all is good with me, just dropped by to announce that Thy Brilliance won FIRST PLACE in DYSTOPIA in the Rose Gold Awards, which is just amazing and well to my readers I'm currently on a hiatus but I promise I'll be back to finish it! Thats all and bye²


@henshu41 yooo where did u come from?? And thanks!!


Thank you so much for adding my book to your special reading list!!!! ❤️ I'm so grateful!! I really appreciate that! ❤️❤️❤️


@fishonland_2907 Haha, you can take as much time you want! ^^ I really appreciate the fact that you want to continue reading it ❤️


@ReynaBennett ofc ┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍ school is starting soon but I'd like to read the already published chapters before I get super busy! 


Do you sometimes wonder about people who have died at a young age, someone in your family maybe? As time passes you get older until eventually you surpass the age they were when they died. It's such a strange thing to think about because you keep growing, your body changing as it ages while they're forever trapped in the body they died in, frozen in that period of time.At least in our memories they are. 


@fishonland_2907 You're right! I'm thinking of things like this a lot before I fall asleep! Life is so short for some people, and so long for others! It's not good either way...


@ReynaBennett exactly, you keep wondering how old they'd be now and what they'd look like but if you do it feels like you're making their life out to be a fictional story when they aren't because they are real, or at least they were, and out of respect we leave them as they are and eventually forget...or something like that hehe 


@m25_bookworm hehe thanks but I guess we all think about what was and what could be when we lose someone


          How are you?
          Soory to bother you, but why did you follow me?


Okay thanks for following! Also, you don't sound like a  total stalker :)


@WielderofLight101 hii!! No worries I actually found u through someone else I follow and you seemed cool so I thought I'd follow u to make friends 。^‿^。 hope I don't sound like a total stalker...hehe