
@Cliffoconda__ you're welcome, i'm really excited for the next chapters :-) 


Yes I totally get it, my cover rn is temporary probably, i really like it but maybe it's not appealing enough, so i get it.
          Well I guess maybe if u dó change the cover, you can like make covers with pictures of bandmembers or something, but I like the covers because it seems like all your stories belong together in some sort.


yes, it was such a relief! I remember my first day on a new school but I ended up meeting my best friend :).
          But my first day this year was really okay, I was so nervous but I had a few classes, the teachers were actually really funny and I met some new people I hadn't met yet. I'm sure you can do it! 
          I always tell myself on a first day or if I go somewhere with brand new people ''Socialize as much as you can, act like you've known them forever and if you don't like them, then go away and meet someone new." If you try to socialize nice people will come around, even if you don't expect it :)


stat // U can do it! I had like two nightmares before my first day of school this year, but what's the worst that can happen? You just go to college, (attend classes if that's what you do on your first day), be nice, socialize, and everything will be alright! xoxo