
 Hi my Friend, still grieving but we are quiet well, thanks for your tought  you have no idea how many chaps of the "Finns claim" I'm missing, I'm reading your comments but I have no time to read all the chapters, can't wait to have Internet again on my iPad so that I can easily read everywhere  btw how are you? I'm watching on tv all those horrible events that are happening in the USA with riots, attacks,  bombs etc.. Such a bad time for the world. Hope you and your family are ok and you are not involved in any of this mess ❤️


Hi there. I know this is weird but @agentmg17 said that you are in Italy right now and that there was an earthquake. I hope you and whoever you are with are okay. Thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sending good vibes. 
          Stay strong.
          Tanisha x


This is so heart warming, thank you for your support and prayers. It means the words to us. Fortunately me and my family live in Rome where the damages are minimal, just a lot of fear. We woke up with the shaking bed and the doors that started to shut suddenly, we spent the night out in streets because the shakes continued for hours. Unfortunately a few miles away from Rome there was the epicenter of the earthquake and many cities, in particular Amatrice have been destroyed. Amatrice is basically gone, a ghost. I used to have an house in Amatrice, and my grandfather born there so in particular my parents know some people who still live there. Just 3 people that we know have survived, we had the hope for the young son of a family friend  but they have arrived too late, he sent messages with his phone asking for help but he was too hidden and the police didn't save him in time. His parents dead too. It's dramatic, and I'm still in shock, Amatrice and those little cities are ones of the most commons places where Romans spend holidays. Part of my childhood was there and now there's nothing left, too many children died. Reading all this support around the world is heart warming. A feeling that we are not alone. Thank you again much love to you <3


@Agentmg17 Thank you so much, you have no idea how heart warming are these prayers, Unfortunately 2 hours ago we discovered that just two people that we know had survived ( plus the little girl that i mentioned in the other message). there was a little kid that has screamed for hours but they have arrived a little too late, he was the son of my mother's friend. She died too with her husband.  An hour ago another shake hit this area and othere palaces collapsed. the victims now are more than 127, its unbelievable. Too many children, the youngest was 8 months! its a nightmare and the fact that there are othere shakes doesnt help. We want to go there to help , but they had forbiddden it 'cause the only avaible street for those little city must be left free to cross for the police, civil protection and ambulances. We can only  donate blood and send foodwith others necessities. its very dramatic and im glad to read all this support from others nations, it meas a lot to us. 
          Thank you again my friend
          Flavia <3


@Agentmg17 hi my friend thank you for the message. We are still shaking but thanks God we're good. We are in Rome ( a few miles from the center of the earthquake, it's the same region) and the damages are minimal, instead Amatrice ( one f the most damaged city) is completely lost, we used to have an house there and we know some people who still live there but we cannot contact them. We really don't know if they are still alive. We called a few numbers but they said that they still don't know. We only know that a family friend lost both her parents and he sister and brother in law, the only survivor was  her little niece ( 12 years old) who is currently in the hospital, red code. We are praying even because an hour ago there was another strong earth shake, most people are in the streets right now but here in Rome we are kind of calm, no damages just a lot of fear. We woke up with a shaking bad and doors that started to suddenly open, it's a nightmare. 


Yeah! I respect all the opinions, but still.. Lol I just realized all the horrible mistakes I have made but my phone sucks for real  I really don't notice them until I post! Stupid autocorrector! I really want to change my phone impostation in English but it would be a disaster when I write in Italian to my family and friends... The struggle is real! See ya in more comments!