
Bruh, ive had writers block for my "Hold on (shidge)" fanfic for months...... like wtf bro give me my inspiration back, give me my motivate to write back.


@wantsome_pancakes hey idea for a hold on, have pidge get just tried of allura an just bitch slap her, but them the schools hates her but shiro comforts her :3


Bruh, ive had writers block for my "Hold on (shidge)" fanfic for months...... like wtf bro give me my inspiration back, give me my motivate to write back.


@wantsome_pancakes hey idea for a hold on, have pidge get just tried of allura an just bitch slap her, but them the schools hates her but shiro comforts her :3


Anyone else have to many ideas but don't know where to put them. Like dude I have so many ideas for fanfics it's just how do I write them out. But when I do write them it isn't how I wanted it to be. And it take a long time for me to write just one chapter because I either put to much information and it looks rushed or I don't put enough and looks poorly written idk what to do it's really irritating.