
For those of you who are still interested, I finally found it in my heart to write and post an update for Precious! I so wish I could share it here with all of you, and it still breaks my heart that I can't... but the story is still alive and well on AO3. If you read it, please either let me know here or comment on the story so I know that it is still loved T-T


@flamewhipper  TY for the updating Precious and thank you for letting us know here, as I wouldn't have known otherwise. I'm sorry you are struggling, I hope things improve for you. <3  <3


I was soooo happy to see that you had updated Precious. Thank you for writing it. ❤️❤️❤️


Yesssss thank you! I love this story so much!! 


For those of you who are still interested, I finally found it in my heart to write and post an update for Precious! I so wish I could share it here with all of you, and it still breaks my heart that I can't... but the story is still alive and well on AO3. If you read it, please either let me know here or comment on the story so I know that it is still loved T-T


@flamewhipper  TY for the updating Precious and thank you for letting us know here, as I wouldn't have known otherwise. I'm sorry you are struggling, I hope things improve for you. <3  <3


I was soooo happy to see that you had updated Precious. Thank you for writing it. ❤️❤️❤️


Yesssss thank you! I love this story so much!! 


Hello my dear, dear Flamies <3
          Update for Poison is out now.
          I hope you all can forgive me for my extended absence. Things have not been easy for me and I've really been struggling once again...
          But I can't even begin to describe how much I miss writing. I feel like a part of me is missing and I want to get it back so badly. My current job makes it hard, though, and I've really been focusing on my nails to try and build a career there so free time is hard to come by... I am going to keep trying though. The stories I teased a few months ago that I've written with my friends are still in progress and I hope to start publishing one of them soon (ish). Lots of editing still needs to be done but I am SO excited to share it with you!
          Again I'm so sorry for disappearing. I promise I'm doing okay, just not as well as I would like. I'm going to try and figure out a better schedule though if I can.
          If you're interested in seeing what I've been up to with my nails, you can find be on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook under the name sarahbearsclaws. It would mean so much to me if you followed and gave me your feedback! I just designed a Halazia set that I am incredibly proud of ;)
          I hope you all know how much you mean to me and how much I truly love you.
          I'm still here. I promise.


@flamewhipper glad to hear from you!! <3


@flamewhipper giiirl, it's so good to hear from you! It's okay that you needed to take time for other things, life be like that sometimes. I'm glad your doing okay mostly, always remember to take care of yourself okay, or I'll knock down ur door and take care of you myself  ❤️ We will always be here to cheer you on in ur endeavors! 


it's been 3 years daddy I really really miss u  all jokes aside I hope ur taking care of yourself well it's been awhile!


@flamewhipper take your timee! we miss uuuu


@19jong I knooooowwwww it’s been so long and I’m sorry about that. I’m really trying to get back into the swing of things T-T


Reading where I found home for the tenth time and now I noticed I forgot voting....anyways girl this book is soooooo gooooddd like aaaaaa


@ Slut_for_Mingi  hihihihi tbh as soon as I finished where I found home I was like- bro, I want this too.


@keehoswhitewall @Slut_for_Mingi  you two are so sweet omg T-T thank you so much for this! It truly means so much to me and makes writing one of my favorite things, because of readers like you <3


Hi my loves! 
          I'm so sorry for my absence, it's been a rough couple weeks for me mentally... but I'm trying to bounce back.
          I published a new chapter of Poison today, so I hope you enjoy!! 
          I also have still been writing with a couple friends of mine, and both of those stories are in the process of wrapping up... Much like Where I Found Home, we have been texting the stories back and forth.
          Yes, stories ;)
          One with my friend @pengybb18 and the other one with @JinJin0309!!
          I'm not quite sure when they will be posted, both are close to being finished and then I need to edit and split up the chapters, but I wanted to do a mini reveal to thank all of you for your unending patience with me.
          I hope you're looking forward to it and I'll give you more updates as I have them <3


@flamewhipper we are more than excited for you and we know you'll surprise us as always ❤


@flamewhipper I'm excited!! I can't wait!


@flamewhipper so excitedtteetddhbscuhsxbucbuxbs.


Okay!! The new story is posted! I can't wait to see what you all think <3<3


@flamewhipper Oh no I wanna read but I can't I've got  a lot on my plate


@flamewhipper  it's going to be soooo good I know it