The last chapter of Like in the Shadows is up! Please let me know if you'd like an epilogue or two to be posted(:
I'd like to thank those who have read this story for being so supportive. The votes and comments that are left are a great encouragement to keep writing and I can't thank you enough for helping me do what I love doing.
I have enjoyed writing this story a lot, and I hope you enjoy reading it. As stated in the Author's Note in the last chapter, I am considering taking the book down for about a week to edit it for things like grammatical errors, but there will be no rewriting of the plot, or any character changes. I always proofread my chapters before I post them, so editing shouldn't take too long.
Once again, thank you so much for reading. I don't know when I'll post another book, but I have a couple that I have at least five chapters written for, so it might be soon, it might not. I'm just going to have to wing it for now.
Thank you, and see you soon.
Em x