
The new and improved chapter 1 is up. please go read, it is a lot different than the previous, and so will the rest of the book. thank you. 


Some of you know, but I just want to make sure no one is surprised when I don't update Letting him in for a couple months, I am rewriting the story. I posted a note in the story giving you guys an idea about what is going to change and a teaser of the first chapter. 
          I will also try an update Life is a Fallen Angel soon, I know it's been four months, but I have been insanely busy. I just got back from California and have some time to finish chapter four. 
          Thank you guys so much for your patience!


I'm so so sorry I haven't updated Letting Him in and Survivor Angel (especially) in a long time. I've been really busy with field hockey and school, but now field hockey is over and I have tons more time to write. I already have at least 1/4 of  chapter 13 written! I will update this week. Sorry for the long wait. It will be worth it! Promise.