
does anyone know how to recover .sqpc files? please help a gal out tyvm


Hello Maxene! How are you doing? I'm Kallia, I'm Greek, 18 years old and I recently found your story 'Luminous Desire' while searching for some good vampire stories. Just let me say OH MY FREAKIN' GOD -- Theo James as a vamp? I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THAT! And you've done an AMAZING job with the graphics, cast etc. and I'm just so excited! The epigraph is very nice, it totally matches the title. But I saw that you haven't updated since February 2019, and I'm feeling really sad right now... Are you planning on continuing the story sometime sooner or later or is it currently on hold? I would love to read more of it, but there's only the prologue *crying* Let me know what your plans are, please! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Love, Kallia xxx :)


hi, so, yes, i know i said i'd be active again, but surprise surprise: i wasn't, ehe typical me. well, you know how i said i just finished installing my most used fonts in photoshop to prepare it for making graphics? well all was well until my computer got a virus hehe
          my dad removed the virus by reformatting the computer, which really isn’t much of a bother coz it’s easy to reinstall programs. but the files in my hard drive are still infected (?) aka graphic stuff soo yeah 


heyyy!! god i haven’t been on this app in a long time lol and it feels like forever since we last spoke! but i was feeling real nostalgic today and thought i’d come back on here and say hi!! i really miss you and the group we had sooo much! i’m real lucky that i got to know u! i hope you’re doing great and that you’re safe and happy (especially during these times!!) wishing u all the best and sending u lots of love!! <33


ahhh i’m going thru our discord and even slack gcs rn and i’m getting so nostalgic!! there was a good chunk of drama (i highkey LIVED FOR THE TEA AHAHAH) but we were also always uplifting each other, sharing the stuff we made, helping out whoever needs it, and just having a great time! i really do hope we can reunite one day bc i miss u all and our phenomenal support group!!! xxx


hehee you sweetie c; glad to know i'm not the only one who secretly goes back to our discord server just to reread some messages for an extra dose of happiness! i hope in the future we can all have a little reunion or something just for old times' sake <33 that would be really rlly nicee!




stayed up till 1 AM last night installing most of my used fonts in photoshop (finally) sooo i might now be able to work on my graphic books!! 


Can’t wait to see what amazing things you’ll make! 