He's so not ready for this. 

Bart Allen is the grandson of the Flash aka Barry Allen, the first cousin once removed of The Flash aka Wally West and he is also the Flash -- note the "t" in "the" is not capitalized -- so yeah, it's complicated. But before it was so complicated he was Impulse, a member of Young Justice and the mentee of Max Mercury, and after that he was Kid Flash, the partner of The Flash -- note the "T" in "The" is capitalized -- but after all of the other speedsters either disappeared or retired Bart was the only one there to pick up the mantle, though the lightning bolt on his chest might just be a death sentence.

"Are you proud of me now, Wally?"

Bart Allen's Flash
Est. 4-30-2020 at 10:23 PM (CDT)
Penned by Noelle
  • Bart Allen's Flash; Penned by Noelle
  • Üye olduJune 18, 2017

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flashlegacy flashlegacy May 08, 2020 11:13PM
/; CB for something
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