Hey there! How are you doing? Hope all well!!
I'm sorry to disturb you but if you don't mind, could you chk out my books? They are fantasy books and if you like that genre, then you won't be disappointed.
Any suggestions will always be appreciated!
Thank you!!!
@Ben_David Hi there! I'm doing good, how 'bout you?
I would love to check out your books. I haven't tried fantasy genre, but I'd love to start something new.
Thank you for suggesting me your book!
@SieraSantiago Thank you so much love. You've no idea how flattered I am right now. ❤️❤️ And please do recommend to your friends. It'd mean a lot to me.
@AlilTipsy I just read the first chapter and its AMAZINGGG!! Especially that female MC is not some damsel in distress... Thank you for letting me know about your story. I'll recommend it to my friends